People keep asking me if I have a lawyer and what's
going on with my appeal. I keep telling them that the best lawyer
alive and a rock solid appeal won't guarantee my freedom. From trial to
appeal, my case has never been weighed by the rule of law. If the
judicial system were actually judicious, I wouldn't be here. My case
was tried in the "Court of Public Opinion." So, I've decided that my
appeal will be too.
Regardless of what you think you know about the American Justice System, you'll never know the reality of it until you've been fucked by it. How many people know that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that it is perfectly legal to be convicted of a crime that you didn't commit, IF you received a fair trial? I know that sounds ridiculous but if the PROCEDURE of law was correct, it doesn't matter if every witness lied and all of the evidence was falsified.
When my initial appeal was filed, it was filed on issues that dealt with the PROCEDURE of my trial. Yes, there were many procedural problems. However, just as with my trial, the appellate courts didn't follow the law.
All laws are open to interpretation. That's why you hear people talk about a "dissenting opinion," and how one judge said the other judges didn't follow The Constitution. Nothing in the law is black and white. Well... besides the equality of the entire system... then there's Black & Brown justice on one hand and White justice on the other.
When my appeal was heard by the appellate courts, they were presented with what the trial court said I did and the issues in procedure that I said were violated. You and I both know that those judges took one look at what I was accused of and decided, "I'm not going to be the judge that lets him out." Because they "believed" what the trial court told them... which was what the prosecutor told the trial court... which was what Bill Brown told the prosecutor. Do you see how the justice system works?
Judges who preside over the appellate courts don't know about the false testimony and suppressed evidence. All those judges know is, that they have to get reelected and a campaign add by their opponent claiming they released a monster on a technicality is not what they're going to let happen. Since any error in procedure will be misconstrued by the media and reported to the public as a technicality. And in all actuality, what our justice system truly boils down to is the political ambitions of those elected officials. They could care less about who does or doesn't go to prison, as long as the voting public "thinks" they actually care.
Therefore, I must tell the public the truth about this case before I continue to waste any more attempts on an appeal.
I have one more shot. It's called a 6.500 Motion for Relief From Judgement. I can only file it once. I have held on to it for the past 19 plus years... waiting for the right time to file. I want to make sure I have EVERYTHING in order.
The issues I have are iron clad. If the rule of law is followed, I am guaranteed a new trial. That's... IF the law is followed.
I need you, The People, to tell the courts that you are now paying attention to how they handle my case. Let the current Calhoun County prosecutor know that you're not pleased with the way his predecessors handled my case and you expect him to right that wrong. When they know that The People who elect them... The People they are sworn to serve, demand they take the appropriate action and follow the law... they will.
I have given you all of the ammunition you need. I have shown you the true facts of this case. Regardless of what anyone claims about my guilt or innocence, one fact cannot be disputed: I DID NOT RECEIVE A FAIR TRIAL.
I have spent the past nineteen years of my life being punished for a crime I didn't commit. I was railroaded and silenced by a system that has fine tuned all aspects of its operation to keep the public in the dark. But the old rules no longer apply...
I WILL NOT BE SILENCED! Let them know that YOU won't be either.
Regardless of what you think you know about the American Justice System, you'll never know the reality of it until you've been fucked by it. How many people know that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that it is perfectly legal to be convicted of a crime that you didn't commit, IF you received a fair trial? I know that sounds ridiculous but if the PROCEDURE of law was correct, it doesn't matter if every witness lied and all of the evidence was falsified.
When my initial appeal was filed, it was filed on issues that dealt with the PROCEDURE of my trial. Yes, there were many procedural problems. However, just as with my trial, the appellate courts didn't follow the law.
All laws are open to interpretation. That's why you hear people talk about a "dissenting opinion," and how one judge said the other judges didn't follow The Constitution. Nothing in the law is black and white. Well... besides the equality of the entire system... then there's Black & Brown justice on one hand and White justice on the other.
When my appeal was heard by the appellate courts, they were presented with what the trial court said I did and the issues in procedure that I said were violated. You and I both know that those judges took one look at what I was accused of and decided, "I'm not going to be the judge that lets him out." Because they "believed" what the trial court told them... which was what the prosecutor told the trial court... which was what Bill Brown told the prosecutor. Do you see how the justice system works?
Judges who preside over the appellate courts don't know about the false testimony and suppressed evidence. All those judges know is, that they have to get reelected and a campaign add by their opponent claiming they released a monster on a technicality is not what they're going to let happen. Since any error in procedure will be misconstrued by the media and reported to the public as a technicality. And in all actuality, what our justice system truly boils down to is the political ambitions of those elected officials. They could care less about who does or doesn't go to prison, as long as the voting public "thinks" they actually care.
Therefore, I must tell the public the truth about this case before I continue to waste any more attempts on an appeal.
I have one more shot. It's called a 6.500 Motion for Relief From Judgement. I can only file it once. I have held on to it for the past 19 plus years... waiting for the right time to file. I want to make sure I have EVERYTHING in order.
The issues I have are iron clad. If the rule of law is followed, I am guaranteed a new trial. That's... IF the law is followed.
I need you, The People, to tell the courts that you are now paying attention to how they handle my case. Let the current Calhoun County prosecutor know that you're not pleased with the way his predecessors handled my case and you expect him to right that wrong. When they know that The People who elect them... The People they are sworn to serve, demand they take the appropriate action and follow the law... they will.
I have given you all of the ammunition you need. I have shown you the true facts of this case. Regardless of what anyone claims about my guilt or innocence, one fact cannot be disputed: I DID NOT RECEIVE A FAIR TRIAL.
I have spent the past nineteen years of my life being punished for a crime I didn't commit. I was railroaded and silenced by a system that has fine tuned all aspects of its operation to keep the public in the dark. But the old rules no longer apply...
I WILL NOT BE SILENCED! Let them know that YOU won't be either.
STEPHEN B. MILLER | Circuit Judge | (269) 969-6510 |
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