If there was another person involved in this case and the police knew for a fact, he was involved, do you think the prosecuting attorney would charge and prosecute that person for the part he played?

Any honest prosecutor would. Former Calhoun County Prosecutor John Kelsey didn't.

Russell "Joe" Brown Jr.(Shitty) is Bill Brown's older brother. Bill Brown told detectives that his brother Russell, helped destroy the crime scene at their family's property in Gladwin, Michigan. Bill Brown testified that Russell helped him clear out the fire pit in order to "get rid of anything that would have been in there still."

That act clearly made Russell, what's called in Michigan, an Accessory After the Fact of Murder. The same charge my brother received and served 7 years for. My brother and Russell were accused of committing identical crimes... only in different location. But why wasn't Russell Brown Jr. even charged for the crime he committed?

Russell "Joe" Brown Jr. was never charged because Prosecutor John Kelsey wanted to make sure that Russell's prior statement's to police, were never made part of an official court record. If Russell's prior statements were part of an official court record and not just admissions made to detectives, I could have used those court transcripts to prove that Prosecutor John Kelsey was purposely presenting false evidence. Instead, Prosecutor Kelsey allowed Russell to assert his Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination, thus baring the jury from learning about his involvement and hearing his prior statements to police.

If Prosecutor John Kelsey was seeking the truth and wanted the jury to hear the true facts of this case, Prosecutor John Kelsey would have granted Russell "Joe" Brown Jr. immunity for his testimony. Prosecutor Kelsey offered everyone else involved in the case immunity for their testimony... even my brother. Why not Russell?

Not only did Prosecutor John Kelsey refuse to grant Russell immunity, he adamantly fought to keep the jury from hearing what other witnesses had to say about Russell's comments. Prosecutor John Kelsey was deathly afraid of Russell's statements sneaking their way into the jury's ears.

Russell "Joe" Brown Jr.'s prior statements to police would have blown the prosecution's entire case. Every day of my trial, Prosecutor John Kelsey repeatedly told the jury that Bill Brown was afraid of me and therefore Bill Brown was forced to participate in covering up the crime. Prosecutor John Kelsey also told the jury that I was upset and wanted revenge because Rose damaged my brother's truck. Prosecutor John Kelsey knew these claims were NOT TRUE, yet he used those lies to bolster Bill Brown's story and discredit my defense.

While incarcerated for a Federal Drug Trafficking case, Russell "Joe" Brown Jr. told detectives that I didn't care about Rose damaging my brother's truck and as far as anyone in their family being afraid of me... well, I'll let you read what Russell had to say abut that.

 INTERVIEW OF RUSSELL( page 2 from "How I Met Rose")

Russell "Joe" Brown Jr. told detectives something much different from the lie Prosecutor John Kelsey presented during my trial. Prosecutor Kelsey used the power of his office to hide the true facts of this case in order to deceive the jury. Prosecutor Kelsey then let Russell "Joe" brown jr. walk free in order to ensure Russell's silence. What would the jury have thought had they known the truth?


There is no Statute of Limitations for the Crime of Murder or Accessory After the Fact of Murder. If Bill Brown's testimony is true, then Russell "Joe" Brown Jr. can still be charged for the crime his brother Bill claims he committed.

Let the current Calhoun County Prosecutor know how YOU feel about the way his predecessor handled this case.

People can send through their own email account to the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office: "I have recently been given an opportunity to view the facts of a criminal case prosecuted by the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office: People v. John Ortiz-Kehoe. I am shocked by what I have learned. I am convinced that John Ortiz-Kehoe DID NOT receive a fair trial. I believe the jury and not allowed to weigh all of the evidence. I am also appalled by the fact that Mr. Ortiz-Kehoe's co-defendant, William "Billy" Brown received a deal from the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office, for a one year sentence and Russell Brown Jr. was not even charged for being an Accessory After the Fact. However, I am not going to point the finger and place the blame on your office specifically because it seems as though your predecessors at the Calhoun County Prosecutor's Office and former Ingham County Prosecutor Donald Martin were truly responsible for this miscarriage of justice. This case disturbs me a great deal because I have always had faith in our Justice System. Every American is entitled to a fair trial. John Ortiz-Kehoe deserves a new trial, with all of the evidence presented to a jury. I pray that it is not too late to remedy this situation. I thank you for your time and the consideration I trust you will give this issue."